Wednesday, February 1, 2017

40 Days of Prayer For Your Future Husband .... Day 4 ( His Prayer Life)

40 Days of Prayer For Your Future Husband .... Day 4 

His Prayer Life
 Prayer does a multitude of things.  It refocuses our hearts.  It turns our attention from ourselves back to God. It humbles us. It gives us time to cool off. It allows us a safe place to express what we are feeling to someone who has understands us better than any one else because he created us.  Prayer is a place to seek wisdom and guidance.  Its a place to ask for things to be given to us that are out of our reach, but also to trust God for the things we know we can do out of our own power but realize we glorify him when we do things in his strength.  Prayer is the way we right our relationship with God and humble ourselves before him.  Praying for the man you will one day marry to have a strong prayer life will influence your relationship more than so many other things combined. 

 Dear Heavenly Father- 
 I come before you and I know how important prayer is.  Father I know that prayer is our opportunity to praise you for who you are, to confess and repent of sin in our life so we can come back into full fellowship with you, our oppertunity to thank you for the blessings you give us and to be able to ask for the things we need and desire in our lives.   Prayer is an opportunity to trust you with our hearts and build a relationship with you based on our need for you in our lives.

Father I pray that my future husband would see the drastic need for a strong prayer life.  I pray that he would trust you with not only the big things but the small things too.  I pray that he would stay close to you and talk to you daily.  I pray that he would learn to pray without ceasing.  I ask that you would teach him to pray boldly and confidently for the things in his life.  Lord I pray that you would teach him to be humble in confessing sin and paitent in waiting for your answers in your perfect timing. 

Lord I pray that you would teach him to seek you in all things.  I pray that prayer would not be just a life perserver for him when things get difficult but that he would praise you in the morning when he wakes up and thank you for another day to be able to serve you., and that he would thank you for the oppertunities you laid before him to be able to minister to others before he falls asleep.

Lord show him the connection between the amount of time he spends praying and the way you work in his life. Help him to be broken over the lives of others and to pray diligently for the needs of those around him.  Teach him to pray in your will and  to pray for wisdom daily. 

Lord I pray all this in Jesus Name


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