Thursday, February 16, 2017

40 Days of Prayer for your Future Husband.... Day 17 ( His Eyes)

40 Days of Prayer for your Future Husband.... Day 17


His Eyes

God created men to be visual creatures.  Men see with their eyes and are far more tempted by the things that they see with their eyes than women are.  For most men this is a huge area of struggle. Pray to day for not only strength in the face of temptation for your future husbands eyes and that he will be able to turn away from these things, but also pray for the good that his eyes can do to serve the Lord.
Dear Heavenly Father-
  Father I pray that you would guard the eyes of my future husband.  Father I pray that he would be conscious of the things that he sees.  I pray that his eyes would not look upon things that are not wholesome and of you.  I pray that you would allow the women around him to dress modestly and to not allow his eyes to be tempted.  I pray that he would not allow his eyes to allow things into his mind and body that do not honor and glorify you.
Father I pray that his eyes would be seeking your word and let them be focused on you.  Father I pray that you would help his eyes to be focused on your word and that you would not allow them to fail him as he reads. Father I pray that you would give him eyes to see you in the most clear way he ever has. 
Father I pray that you would give him eyes to see others.  Lord, allow him to see the needs others have and the ways that he can help him.  Lord give him open  eyes and a sensitive heart to situations.  Father give him the ability to see needs when no one else can.  Father give him the ability to see peoples souls and their need for the gospel.  Give him a vision for your kingdom.  Help him to see you everyday in the situations he faces and those he meets.
In Jesus Name,

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