Wednesday, February 8, 2017

40 Days of Prayer for your Future Husband.... Day 10 ( To Crave the Word)

40 Days of Prayer for your Future Husband.... Day 10

To Crave the Word

The Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. ( Hebrews 4:12).  The bible is God's love letter to his people.  It is the living breathing word of God, so it is to be expected that reading and studying it would have a significant impact on the life of a believer. It is so important to pray over your future husband that he would love and crave the word of God.  In today's world there are so many things that will buy for his attention and so many excuses and distractions that he will be able to use to not study, and grow, but if the Lord fuels a fire within him, that allows him to crave the word, every other area of his life will be greatly impacted after being saturated in the truth of the Word.

Dear Heavenly Father-
Today I pray that you would open the eyes and heart of my future husband that he would see the importance of your word.  I pray that you would teach him to love your word and to crave it.  Father your truth and  your promises are interwoven so lovingly through each page of the bible, that we cant help but be changed when we read and apply it to our lives.  Help him to desire to carve out time early in the day to study so that you can use the things you teach him to allow him to bless others along their journey. Father help him to dig deep into your word and know that it is truth.  Father help him to observe what is being spoken in your scriptures, and apply it to his life.  Lord teach him how to memorize scripture so that he can fight off the enemy with your words the way Christ did in the wilderness.  Teach him to love your word so that he can teach your word to his family one day, and to those around him.  Help him to investigate the scriptures for himself and not to just take the opinion or thoughts of someone else as truth.  Guard his eyes and his mind as he reads from distractions.  Help him to savor your words and to truly understand it.   Father, help him to apply the word to his heart and change his life through the living power of the Bible.

                                                                          In Jesus Name-

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