Sunday, March 12, 2017

I am accepted... I am a member of Christ's body!

Mothers and babies have a very special bond at birth.  Babies bond with their fathers too but from the first moments of life that relationship and bond have already been formed between a baby and its mother.   Why?  The baby was a part of the mothers body for 9 months before being born.  The baby grew with the mother, the mother supplied for the baby, the baby depended on the mother, and the baby would even suffer stress with the mother, if the mother was under major distress, but that bond can not be broken because of the time spent together.

When we surrender our lives to the Lord we are made to be a part of the body of Christ, just like in the verse a couple of days ago we become one with Christ, but we also become part of the "body of Christ" (other believers).  The Church as  a whole ( all believers) functions as a body.  Each person has their job and things that they are responsible for.  Christ is the head of the church.  He serves as the head of the body as well.  It is his ways and his thoughts and his words, that the body carries out.  Just as a baby grows in a bond with the mother by being dependent on her, we should grow in a relationship with the Lord by depending on him for our needs.

Each person in the body of Christ has a part.  Someone that only has one hand struggles with daily tasks, as does someone who only has one eye or foot.  Each believer has their own special function, just as if you were to replace an amputated hand with a donor foot, it wouldn't work. The part that was lost served a specific function and could not be replaced.  We need to learn what our purpose is and serve the Lord with that purpose.  How do your hands learn to work as  a baby?   By your brain.  We should be open to teaching from Christ as to what our purpose is as well.

The Lord has created us, just as a baby is created within  a mother.  Christ wants to protect us and provide for us and have a relationship with us.  He wants to be the one who teaches us what our purpose is and helps us to learn how to function as a member of his body, but we first have to accept the gift that he is offering.  A hand that is not connected to the brain by nerves will not function.  It will never grow or become strong.  If we are not connected with the Lord we will never function the way we were meant to and we will eventually die.  The difference between the connection between a hand and a brain and the connection between us and Christ is that we have the choice to be connected to him.   It is our choice to connect ourselves in a relationship with Christ, and our responsibility to stay connected with him to grow each day and become stronger as a Christian.  With this relationship Jesus will provide for us, protect us, and give us a home in Heaven.

Do you know if you are a member of the body of Christ?  Do you know what your function is?  My prayer for you today is that you would not go another moment in life without being sure that you are lead by Christ and that you are apart of his body, and then ask him to show you what your function is as a part of the body.  Allow him to care for you and protect you as a mother does her unborn Child, allow him to nourish you both physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

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