Thursday, March 2, 2017

Who are we ? Really?

One of the things people, women especially, fight and struggle with is finding their identity.  In the world there are so many things that people can align themselves with, but I really am afraid we as a whole are missing the main point.  As we move forward in life there is an ache in our inner most being to be apart of something bigger than ourselves.  To some its an ache to be apart of a team in high school, to some a Greek organization in college.  To others its the longing to be a wife and a mother.  Still others find their identity in the business world.  All of these things are good, but i still believe we have missed the mark. 

It is not until we find our identity in Christ and him alone that our life will truly be fulfilling.  What bigger plan could we want to be apart of than the plan for the Creator of the world to redeem his people.  One of the Amazing things is that he allows us to be apart of this.  He gives us a specific function, and the promise of a reward, and still some of us miss it completely.

If the richest person in the world approached you one day and asked you if you would like for him to adopt you.  He told you that he would meet all your needs and would love and care for you, but he had a job for you to do.  He tells you he has a business, and wanted you to be apart of his new marketing department and he wants you to promote his product, and for each product that was sold that you would be rewarded.  To me this sounds like a pretty amazing opportunity.

How is it that we can miss the opportunity that has been laid before us to be a child of God?  We have been given the opportunity to be adopted by the Creator of the World.  We have been asked to work for his glory, and he will provide for our needs, and reward us for our fruit in his labor.  Why do we see this in a different light.

Is it because we fear persecution, (mostly social and mild)?  Is it because we feel that there will always be time to do this later?  Is it because we feel that other things in our lives are better and more important?  Is it that we see our salvation as fire insurance ?  Or is it that our identity is not truly found in the Lord and his crucifixion.  If we truly believed that our number one calling in life was being a child of God then what he has asked us to do would come naturally and other things in our lives would begin to fall into place.

I am daily learning what it means to completely find my identity in the Lord, and I hope that my journey will be a blessing to you as well.

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