Monday, May 15, 2017

Even on Mothers Day ... You are not Forgotten!

Mothers Day should be a joyful time, filled with beautiful flowers, sentimental cards, and lots of love, but for many there is just as much hurt, insecurity, and sadness that comes along with such a special day.  Yesterday as I watched my Facebook feed and the smiling faces, and after church pictures with mom, the breakfasts in bed, and the handcrafted projects made with love, my heart swelled with joy for all the moms that were experiencing this amazing day the way it was meant to be experienced.  But my heart broke for the women, who's hearts were torn in pieces on a day that should mean so much.  We need to be mindful that sometimes holidays are not easy.  We need to remember to encourage those around us who are facing situations were it is a fight to find joy in the midst of the pain.

To the woman waiting for an adoption because she and her husband physically can not have a child.  God hears you.  He has a plan, for you and YOUR child.  You get to rescue your child, and give them a hope and a future.  The Lord knows your heart and knows the desires you have to hold that precious one in your arms, and how long the wait can be.  He knows that you are preparing for a miracle that may take years to arrive.  He sees the sacrifice you make financially to bring your child home.  But dear friend he TODAY, is working in your midst, to create that child just for you, because he knows you are special, and he created you to love a child that didn't come from your body, and he created you to trust him to complete your family in a way that you never expected.  I pray that you would feel the Lords providence and peace today.

To the woman who has lost a child your heart will never be the same. You are not forgotten!  I know its hard to understand why God would take your precious one away from you.  Loss is never easy or explainable, It doesnt matter if you lost your child in miscarriage or as an adult with a full life ahead of them, the pain is still the same.  The Lord knows our limitations as humans and he knows fully that we will never understand his purpose in allowing loss to happen. It seems against everything we have learned about his character to allow you to experience that kind of pain.  But sweet sister I promise you, he will use your pain to save the lives of others and he will heal your heart and allow you to bring glory to him in ways that you would never begin to fathom, if you will place your heart in his hands, and allow him to wrap you up and comfort you like no one else can.  Today I pray that the Lord would reveal to you his sovereignty and his unfailing Love for you.

To the woman who sits in the pew at church and as the flowers are being handed out to the mothers reflects on her "broken" life.   Her divorce that has left her middle aged with no children and questions about whether the future will hold the desires she has poured out to the Lord over and over and over, and when the flower is begun to be handed to her she has to say "No thank you, Im not a mother."  Sweet Friend I pray the Lord would reveal to you his goodness and his joy that he has a plan for you.  A plan to give you a hope and a future.  You have not been forgotten, and you will be given what he knows is best for you

To the woman who is raising children who are not her own. I know the feelings of insecurity that you sometimes feel that you play second best in your (step, foster, ect) children's life, or that you stepped into a role that you weren't ready for or that you are unsure you are really wanted to be in.  I know that sometimes your heart hurts because you feel like you dont measure up, or that the road you walk is difficult and filled with twists and turns others do not face. I pray that the Lord would place in your heart assurance that you are in the lives of  YOUR children, because he put you there,  That he has a purpose for you and that you are in their lives because ONLY you can love them the way that you love them. "Sharing your Kids" and all that comes with it is hard.  But the Lord knows your heart, and knows your pain,  He knows what it feels like to have a child tell you that you're not their mother. He understands, I promise.  I pray he would give you complete assurance and peace that you are exactly where he wants you to be. 

To the woman who lost her mother too soon.  I know the pain of losing your mother. confidant, and best friend too soon is something that you cant explain, and a pain you live with every day.  The missing piece, the void of wanting to tell her about your successes, glean advice from her, or just fall into the hug that always makes everything right.  I pray today that you would know the Love that the Lord has for you and that he would comfort the pain, and bring sweet memories to your heart and mind. I pray that he would make you strong through the trial of losing your mother and would send sweet fellowship of wise Godly women into your life. I pray that the Lord would wrap his comforting arms around you and give you peace.

To the woman who's mother walked out of your life, for you my heart breaks.  You should never have to face the challenges of life alone.  You should have someone by your side.  You should have her support, her love.  She should tell you you are beautiful and that she is proud of you.  You shouldn't have to wonder how she feels about you or where she even is.  You shouldn't have to depend on others to fill that role or to question what you did wrong to make her not love you.  Sweet friend that was not Gods perfect plan.  God gives us mothers to love us and protect us, to guide us and to nurture us, but people are human, we all fall and we all make mistakes.   I pray that God would remind you today that his love is all you need. I pray that he would show you ways to reach out to your mom and mend those fences. I pray  that if you dont know who your mom or where she is that the Lord would send Godly women into your life to help lead and guide you, to love you and help mold you into the woman the Lord has called you to be.   You are not forgotten!! You are not unloved!! You are not broken!! Fall into his arms and let him love you!

As we celebrate the amazing mothers out there.  The ones that gave us life, and shaped our hearts. Who made us the women we are to day let us not forget the ones who are feeling the painful sting and reminder of what could have been, what should have been , or what used to be.   Lift them up in prayer, encourage their hearts, and Love on them just a little bit more today. 

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