Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Do We Really Want To Be Rescued?

Barbie had Ken. Cinderella had Prince Charming.  Scarlet had Rhett. Jenny even had Forrest.  Growing up as southern Women we have been raised with these relationships in our immediate view.  Things are beginning to change, and have been for decades, but   especially in the South, I'm sure little girls still dream of being rescued by the Man of their dreams.   There is an innate desire within all women to want to be loved and protected.

These girls dream of Barbie. Who's cooking ability is not the greatest.  Who puts a cake in the oven, gets distracted and comes back to an oven on fire. Oh no! ... What will I ever do. They dream of Ken busting through the door sporting his turnout gear for his job of the week. Fully prepared, extinguisher in hand. Spraying out the fire, and wrapping her in his arms to console her. Sweeping her up in his arms an carrying her away.

They dream of Cinderella sweeping the floor,  her dress tattered and torn, the pumpkin smashed, her mind in another world, the world of the night before.  They dream of her daydreams, the dreams of the twirling and dancing, the ornate dresses, the perfect white gloves and beautiful hairdos, but mostly they dream of the glass slipper.  The symbol of true love.  The object that represents the lost chance at love. The object accidentally left behind for the man who stole her heart. His only clue to her identity. They dream of Prince Charming getting down on one knee trying on the slipper, then lifting her up on his white horse, and ridding of into the sunset.

They dream of Rhett Butler standing at the bottom of the stairs, His debonair ways,  his confidence, his style.  The way he stared into her eyes. The way he held her close. The way he smirked.  The way he made her smile. The way he rescued her from herself.  The way that he seemed to always be in the right place at the right time.

They even dreamed of Forrest and Jenny.  Although Forrest doesn't make the most appealing choice in a husband, They dream of having a man to lift them onto a pedestal. To protect their honor. To be their safety. To love them even when they don't love them-self.

But the crazy thing is, in all of this dreaming wouldn't it be crazy if the dreams ended a different way, If Barbie stood in the corner and blocked the door not allowing Ken the firefighter to rescue her.  Allowing her house to burn down and her with it.  What if Cinderella ripped the shoe from Prince Charming's hand and threw it across the room and smashed it. What if Scarlett had continued to wear her mourning dresses an kept herself guarded and never allowed Rhett in?  What if Jenny had made up her mind about Forrest that first morning on the bus and had never given him a chance, or worse when she was at her lowest of lows, hadn't allowed Forrest save her from jumping off the bridge.

But the sad thing is that is exactly what we do to the one who can love us the most.  We are so consumed in finding love, or analyzing why the love we have found is not like the fairy tales.  We are so consumed with wanting to be rescued by a man on this earth, to be fulfilled and completed by him, that we ignore the one that created us.  The creator of the entire world loves you more than you will ever be loved  by any human.  He wants the very best for you, and he is trying to rescue you from whatever current circumstance you desire to be rescued from, but instead of letting him sweep in like the strong powerful hero of a firefighter, an letting him sweep us up in his arms and carry us to safety, so many we are backing ourselves into a corner kicking and screaming and fighting him off, or running away thinking that we know a way out that is better. 

What is a greater love story than this.
Damsel in distress. Rescued. Protected. Carried. Loved unconditionally & Completely?

and that love story is in reach for all of us.

... who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age...
Galatians 1:4

Christ loves us with a love that can not be compared with any romantic comedy.  He protects us in a way that can not be compared with the protection from any hero.  He rescues us, he saves us from our sins, the world and ourselves.  If we will humble ourselves and allow him to rescue us.

I encourage you to find your complete love in Christ, Its something that's so difficult, I struggle daily, wanting to fill myself with the Love of people because its tangible. Its something i can feel and measure, but the truth of the matter is God's love is immeasurable and that is such amazing news.  The people we desire to love us, would they die for us? Would they give their only child in death for us?  Why put so much effort in desiring love from broken people? When the Lord wants to be the one to love us completely, because he in himself is complete love, and perfection, and he will never leave us nor forsake us.  Once we are full with the love of Christ, then overflowing from that love,  we will love ourselves, and then we can love others and allow them to love us.

Let the Lord rescue you today sweet friend from whatever you are trying to handle yourself.  Allow him to sweep you up in his arms, hold you close, carry you to safety, and build a plan to keep you safe. In doing this, not only will we allow the Lord to love us in the way he desires, but we will also take a lot of pressure off the men in our lives.

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