Sunday, November 5, 2017

One Direction

Nope sorry to disappoint you all ... Not writing about boy bands today at least  :) .. I'm sorry to burst your bubble if you thought you were going to get my opinion on crazy girls who scream and fawn over boys in converses and skinny jeans... WELL eventually you might get my opinion on crazy girls who loose their minds over cute boys, but we will leave the boy bands out of things for now.  What I mean by One direction is the conviction I have had on my heart for the past few weeks to be writing much more than I am now, and the desire to really pursue one singular purpose in my blogging. For the past couple of years women have been on my heart and mind and there is so much that is unsaid about relationships and what biblical womanhood looks like.  I am by far not an expert on these things, if anything I am an expert on how to do it all wrong, but it has been a journey and I feel like I am supposed to share what the Lord is teaching me about these things to encourage the hearts of women around me.

I have learned that God is Unchanging and unmistakably good, and that we live in a world where he is consistently put on the back burner.  He should be the center of everything in our lives, and when we take him out of the center that is where we begin to loose footing and our lives and relationships begin to fall apart. Putting God in the center of everything ... especially our relationships with others is not easy.  Our hearts are sinful by nature and they desire to be selfish.  We want our feelings to be validated and our hearts to plant a footing in a relationship where we feel "safe" but sometimes God calls us to be uncomfortable, and in a place where he can grow us and teach us and so that he can put himself back in the absolute center of our lives.

When we are focused on the Lord our directions change, our desires change, and our standards change.  He becomes the standard for things we allow in our lives, and the actions that we take.  So knowing that and in learning that the hard way, A LOT, I have such a desire to be open and transparent and share where my short comings and the times where I have done nothing short of falling on my face.  My hope and my prayer is that this will encourage the hearts of other women to take a look at their relationships and their hearts and reevaluate God's place there.   I also hope that for those who are striving to put God in his rightful place in their lives that these blogs will encourage them to stay the course and finish the race with joy and gladness because honoring the Lord will never fail us.

Its easy to say we want to honor the Lord, but practically doing it is sometimes more difficult.  I hope that in writing about hard things, like Divorce, dating, marriage, and being honest about my struggles in these places that it will help other women join me on this difficult but worthwhile journey of becoming more Christlike and learning to honor the Lord with Every aspect of our lives.

So as I commit to this new path I pray that the Lord would speak through me.  That these would not be my words because I am completely faulty and I only know what I have learned through his grace  and mercy as I have walked through the trials of my own life.   I pray that the hearts of women would be touched by his grace, and that they would find new commitment to him and to putting him in the center of ALL things in their lives.  And I pray that a community of women would be formed to encourage and support each other as we walk daily through the challenges of life.

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