Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Discontentment... Discouragement... Depression...

Age:14 – If I could only Drive … I’d be happy
Age 16- If I could only graduate – I’d be happy
Age 18- If I could only get out of the house and on with my life – I’d be happy
Age 23 –If only I could find my future husband – I’d be happy
Age 27- If only we would just get engaged- I’d be happy
Age 28- If the wedding would hurry up – Id be happy
Age 30- If we could have children -I’d be happy
Age 33- If my Kids would just   grow up- I’d be happy

….. see the trend.  Whether it is I’d be happy, or life would be easier, or my life would be complete, these are all signs of discontentment.  Over the past few weeks the Lord has been teaching me a lot about being content, and I have become so much more aware of the epidemic of disconnectedness around me.  Girls want to be women, boys want to be men, wives want to be mothers, workers want to be bosses.  Employees want to be retired.  Although these things are not bad alone, when we allow a spirit of discontent to overwhelm us it can make us miss out on some truly amazing moments in our lives.

Over the last year I have been so discontent with where my life has been.  I look back on  it, from where I am now, and  realize I have missed blessings from the Lord, in hurrying to the next phase of my life.  Just about a year ago I made the decision that drastic measures had to be taken in my marriage.  I truly wanted to save my marriage, and began to seek counseling; within a few weeks of biblical counseling I realized that separation was the best option.  Separation didn’t happen overnight and those few months were miserable. I remember thinking to myself, if I can only get away.  Then when we finally did separate, I was left with the house, and my thinking moved to if I can only get out from under this house.  I moved and started a new job, and thought if only I could get settled, and get my business back off the ground again.  A few months later with no signs of reconciliation or returning to counseling together, I found myself thinking if only this year was up and things could be finalized.  A few weeks later I found myself thinking if only I could find the right man, as I started dating again, and then I woke up and realized, that I had wished away last  year. 

My discontentment in my circumstances turned to discouragement in my life, I found myself falling into depression.  I wasn’t present in my life, and I was asking subconsciously, people in my life, to hurry up and change to make me happier in my current situations.  It all stemmed from discontentment.   My lack of being content stemmed from not fully trusting that the Lord is good.  I also wasnt trusting that I was in the exact place and circumstances he had me in, in the moment.

But you know what ?  God is good.  He has a plan, and when we complain and aren’t content in the place that he has us, we are only missing out on blessings that he has in store for us. We make ourselves miserable, and we make others around us miserable.  God is faithful and just and he has a plan, so sweet friend, join me on the journey of being content with your current place in life.

In 1 Timothy we are reminded that “godliness with contentment is great gain” ( 1 Timothy  6:6)   If as believers we can learn to grow in godliness and learn to be content it will change our lives. 

“….be content with what you have, because God said: Never will I leave you and never will I forsake you”.   (Hebrews 13:5)

And isn’t he all we need?

Dear friends, lets move forward  being content, present, and grateful for the season of life that the Lord has us in at this very moment.  Thank him today for where he has you and ask him to help still your heart so that you can be content.

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