Monday, February 20, 2017

40 days of prayer for your future husband ... Day 19 (Confidence)

40 days of prayer for your future husband ... Day 19


The Lord calls all people to be humble, like you prayed for your future husband yesterday, but with the Holy Spirit living inside ever believer he also gives us the ability to be confident and expects us to live confidently in our calling and in our identity as children of God.  The Lord gives lays things before us that he expects for us to do and he gives us the confidence to fulfill each task and to share him with others if we will ask.  Today pray that your future husband would have the confidence in the Lord he needs to fulfill the journey that the Lord has laid before him each day and that he would confidently have an impact on the lives of those around him for Christ.

Heavenly Father-

I come before you knowing that as a daughter of Christ I can boldly enter your throne room and pray for things that I know are within your will.  Father I pray today that you would begin to build the confidence in my future husband and that his confidence would come completely from within you.  Father I pray that he would not be confident in himself and his own abilities' but in you and who you are.  Heavenly Father I pray today that you would love on the wonderful man of God that I know you will one day bring into my life and let him know that he is loved and appreciated. Build his confidence in you and show him all that he is in you.  Lord help him to lay aside any insecurities he has with truth of who you are and what you have created him to be and to accomplish.  Let him know that I love him, and that I am already praying for him too. I pray that he would walk tall in confidence on who you are and who you have called him to be.   Teach him the ways of you love and guard his heart from insecurity and low self -esteem.  Help him to know that he was fearfully and wonderfully made and that he has a purpose created specifically for him. Lord give him your strength and your confidence today, to be everything you have called him to be.

In Jesus Name I pray -

Friday, February 17, 2017

40 days of Prayer for your Future Husband ... Day 18 ( Humility)

40 days of Prayer for your Future Husband ... Day 18


The characteristic of being humble is something that every woman should want to find in her future husband.  It means that his pride and arrogance would be decreased.  Humility is them  putting themselves after others and not having a poor attitude about it.  The ability for both partners in a marriage to humble themselves and put each other first will help resolve conflict and keep you from growing apart because one of the two refuses to bend.  Pray that just as you desire the Lord to teach you humility in your life that he would be doing the same in the life of your future husband.
Dear Heavenly Father-
  Lord today, I pray that you would teach my future husband how to be humble.  Lord you say that those who are first on earth will be least in the kingdom of Heaven.  Father,  I know one of the things that angers you most is when your children are prideful.  Teach him how to have a humble spirit.  Teach him to step back when others attack him.  Mold him into a Christ-like creation who sees his achievements as glorification of you.  Help him to speak peaceably with others, and to not lift himself above them as well. Father teach him to be a leader, who leads his family and his community and his job in a humble way.  Lord teach him that being humble does not mean that he is weak.  Give him humble strength through the power of the Holy Spirit so that he would be someone who would have an impact on the lives of others.  Teach him to put others first so that they would trust him for council and prayer for situations in their lives.  Father help him to see how it glorifies you for a man to have a humble heart and a willing spirit. Allow him to humble himself before you in prayer and to turn over the plans for his life into your hands, so that you can give him your best.
In Jesus Name I pray-

Thursday, February 16, 2017

40 Days of Prayer for your Future Husband.... Day 17 ( His Eyes)

40 Days of Prayer for your Future Husband.... Day 17


His Eyes

God created men to be visual creatures.  Men see with their eyes and are far more tempted by the things that they see with their eyes than women are.  For most men this is a huge area of struggle. Pray to day for not only strength in the face of temptation for your future husbands eyes and that he will be able to turn away from these things, but also pray for the good that his eyes can do to serve the Lord.
Dear Heavenly Father-
  Father I pray that you would guard the eyes of my future husband.  Father I pray that he would be conscious of the things that he sees.  I pray that his eyes would not look upon things that are not wholesome and of you.  I pray that you would allow the women around him to dress modestly and to not allow his eyes to be tempted.  I pray that he would not allow his eyes to allow things into his mind and body that do not honor and glorify you.
Father I pray that his eyes would be seeking your word and let them be focused on you.  Father I pray that you would help his eyes to be focused on your word and that you would not allow them to fail him as he reads. Father I pray that you would give him eyes to see you in the most clear way he ever has. 
Father I pray that you would give him eyes to see others.  Lord, allow him to see the needs others have and the ways that he can help him.  Lord give him open  eyes and a sensitive heart to situations.  Father give him the ability to see needs when no one else can.  Father give him the ability to see peoples souls and their need for the gospel.  Give him a vision for your kingdom.  Help him to see you everyday in the situations he faces and those he meets.
In Jesus Name,

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Praying for your Future Husband ... Day 16 (Forgiveness)

Praying for your Future Husband ... Day 16


Your husband's heart is a battle ground.  Each day circumstances will arise, and he will have the decision of how to handle the circumstances.  Pray that he will handle these things in Christ like Love with a gentle spirit, forgiveness and not letting bitterness grow in his heart.

Heavenly Father-
I pray that my future husband would have the strength to let any and every offence slide.  Lord I know that even though I am a believer, I am far from perfect and I know I of all people will make my future husband angry, I know as much as I don't want to and it would grieve my heart to know that I and others will sin against you and do things to hurt and anger him, I pray that you will help him to forgive. I pray that instead of clinging to his pain, he would cling to your love. I pray he wouldn't let any seed of bitterness take root within his heart, and when he feels overwhelmed Lord I pray that he would remember that he always has you by his side. Love him through the pain and teach him to forgive just as Christ forgave us when he died on the cross.  Lord I know there will be times that it will seem unbearable and impossible to forgive someone who has hurt him so deeply, in these moments, I pray that you would comfort his heart, remind him of all he has been forgiven of, and that you would give him the strength to forgive.

In Jesus Name- 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

40 days of Prayer for your Future Husband... Day 15... ( Integrity)

40 days of Prayer for your Future Husband... Day 15


One of the greatest qualities a woman can desire in her future husband is that he be a man of integrity.  That he be the same man when no one else is looking that he is when he has an audience.  Pray that your future husband would be a man of honesty, dependability, and humility.  Pray that he is consistent in the way he lives his life in an upstanding way. Pray that the Lord would teach him daily how to be a man of Godly Character.

Heavenly Father-
I pray today that you would bless my future husband.  I pray that you  would be building him into a man of great integrity.  I know that building him that way will come with great trials and tribulations and I pray that you would comfort his heart and remind him daily why, but Lord don't ease the troubles, because they will grow him.  Lord bring these trials into his like so he can grow into the Godly man you have called him to be.  Help him to see the purpose of the trials and to keep from grumbling about the pain they cause.   Help him to walk upright in your ways, stand firm in your faith, and to make sure his feet are set firm.  Continue to strengthen his heart through your word.  I pray that he would choose integrity over popularity.  I pray that he would be a man of honesty and a man of his word.   Teach him to walk in integrity and encourage his spirit.  I thank you Lord for the man of God you are molding him into.

In Jesus Name-

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Praying For Your Future Husband ... Day 14 ( Feel His Love)

Praying For Your Future Husband ... Day 14

Feel His Love

As future wives, we need to know that our love will never be enough for the man we will one day call our husband.  We will never be able to fulfill him or love him enough.  He has to be filled with the love of Christ first, and our love will be an overflowing on him. We can never expect to complete him, nor should we try.  Christ must make him whole first.

Heavenly Father-
                            Today I pray that you would help my future husband know and dwell in the love of Christ so that his joy might be full.  Father I pray that out of that abundance of love that you bestow on him that he would learn to love me and the others around him through that love.  It is only through being loved by you, we can ever learn to express that love to others.  Lord I pray that he might remain in you love and that I pray that his decisions would be guided by your holy spirit,  That he would be a walking, talking, breathing, example of your love for us.  Sometimes the only love be people see is in the light of the love of others lives.  Lord, I pray that he would be so consumed by you that his love would overflow onto others.  I pray that he would strive to replicate Christ's love for his bride with me, as I strive to love him and become the wife he needs to be.

                                                                             In Jesus Name,

40 days of Prayer for your Future Husband ... Day 13 ( His Health)

40 days of Prayer for your Future Husband ... Day 13

His Health

We all face physical challenges and sickness over our lifetime.  Take today to pray for the health of your future husband. Pray for strength in his body.  The Lord uses our physical bodies as well as our minds to allow us to work, to help others, and to serve him.  Pray for protection over your future husbands body and ask the Lord to strengthen him in times of weakness and heal him in times of injury and sickness.

Heavenly Father-
Today, I pray for protection over my future husband's health.  Father, I pray that you would guard his body and keep him lined up with you physically.  By your stripes we are healed.  Father I rebuke any sickness or physical struggle or pain.  father I pray that if these things are in his life I pray that you would guide the hands of the doctors.  I pray that you would help him to see that his body is a temple and help him to protect it.  I pray that you would protect his bones and joints so that he will be able to play with our children one day and have an active lifestyle.  I rebuke any sickness that would try to enter his body or mind.  I pray that you would give him wisdom and strength to make healthy decisions and follow through so he can have a healthy and long life.  Father I pray that you would keep him from danger and protect him from things that will harm him physically.

In Jesus Name I pray

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Praying for your Future Husband... Day 12 ( His Future)

Praying for your Future Husband... Day 12

His Future

One day your futures will be completely intertwined. It has been planned that way since long before you were thought of.  Pray that the Lord would give you both his best in his timing.  Decisions made now will effect not only his future but yours as well.  Pray starting now for the Lord to work in the future of both of your lives.

Heavenly Father- Today I pray that you would prepare my future husband's heart for all that is to come, help him to know that just as you are in his present, you have been in his past, and you are in his future.  I pray that you would help him relinquish his plans over to you.  That he would serve in any way you ask of him.  Father I pray that you would help him to see that even in trying times you have a plan and that plan is for his good.  Father I pray that you would prepare his heart to mold with mine.  That you would prepare a home for us and prepare the path that will bring us together, as well as the path that will lead us to marriage and a family one day, and then to eventually part in death.  Father I pray that you would prepare both of our hearts for a relationship of purity that is glorifying to you and that you would shield our hearts from temptation. I pray that in his decisions that he would be guarded by your Holy Spirit and that he would be a walking, talking, example of your love for us.  I pray he would love me as you love the church.  As I strive to love him and be the wife he needs for me to be one day.

In Jesus Name I pray-

Thursday, February 9, 2017

40 days of prayer for your future husband.... Day 11 ( Accountability )

40 Days of Prayer for your Future Husband.... Day 11


None of us can easily walk through the Christian life alone.  We all need friends and people to hold us accountable.  Whether we want to admit it or not, we all need people in our lives who will call out our sin in love, who will help us pray for situations in our lives, who will study the word of God with us, and who will walk this journey with us.  It is no different in the life of a man.  Men need other godly men to encourage and hold them accountable.  This is an area that you can pray for specifically that your future husband would find godly men to be a source of wisdom, encouragement, and accountability in his life.

Heavenly Father-
I pray that if the man I will one day love doesn't already have a group of men around him for encouragement and accountability, Father I pray that you  would surround him with men who can help him grow.  Father I pray that you would ground him in a bible believing church, who seeks to glorify you in all that they do, and will teach the your word.  Father I pray that you would give my future husband, a man in his life to mentor him, someone from whom he can seek godly council, someone who knows the scriptures and can help him study and grow through the word and prayer.  Someone who can disciple him.  Father I pray that this man would hold him accountable in love and would call out sin in his life, and not allow him to live in sin.  I pray that this man would help my future husband move forward in being more Christlike as that is the ultimate goal.  Father I pray you would give him men in his life who he can pour into and minister to.  Father I pray that these men who are spiritually younger than him can receive so much from him, and that their walks with you would grow as he mentors them.  Father I also pray that you would send a man into his life who would be an encouragement to him.  Father someone who would love on him and be an ear to listen when times get hard.  Someone who would encourage him to get up and keep moving on the journey of his Christian walk and would pray for him daily.  Father I pray most of all that you would send men into his life that he can "do life" with .  I pray that as he builds friendships and relationships with godly men that they would sharpen each other through encouragement and accountability. Father I thank you that I know you are going to send these men into his life, and I thank you for the impact I know they will have on him.

                                                                        In Jesus Name


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

40 Days of Prayer for your Future Husband.... Day 10 ( To Crave the Word)

40 Days of Prayer for your Future Husband.... Day 10

To Crave the Word

The Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. ( Hebrews 4:12).  The bible is God's love letter to his people.  It is the living breathing word of God, so it is to be expected that reading and studying it would have a significant impact on the life of a believer. It is so important to pray over your future husband that he would love and crave the word of God.  In today's world there are so many things that will buy for his attention and so many excuses and distractions that he will be able to use to not study, and grow, but if the Lord fuels a fire within him, that allows him to crave the word, every other area of his life will be greatly impacted after being saturated in the truth of the Word.

Dear Heavenly Father-
Today I pray that you would open the eyes and heart of my future husband that he would see the importance of your word.  I pray that you would teach him to love your word and to crave it.  Father your truth and  your promises are interwoven so lovingly through each page of the bible, that we cant help but be changed when we read and apply it to our lives.  Help him to desire to carve out time early in the day to study so that you can use the things you teach him to allow him to bless others along their journey. Father help him to dig deep into your word and know that it is truth.  Father help him to observe what is being spoken in your scriptures, and apply it to his life.  Lord teach him how to memorize scripture so that he can fight off the enemy with your words the way Christ did in the wilderness.  Teach him to love your word so that he can teach your word to his family one day, and to those around him.  Help him to investigate the scriptures for himself and not to just take the opinion or thoughts of someone else as truth.  Guard his eyes and his mind as he reads from distractions.  Help him to savor your words and to truly understand it.   Father, help him to apply the word to his heart and change his life through the living power of the Bible.

                                                                          In Jesus Name-

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

40 days of prayer for your Future Husband .... Day 9 ( His Safety)

40 days of Prayer for your Future Husband .... Day 9

His Safety

 Everyday your future husband will step into and out of danger, no matter the life he leads or the job he does.  Even just driving down the road can be dangerous just because of not being able to trust the decisions of others on the roads.  As future wives we should be praying for God's protection and the saftey of his body and mind.

Heavenly Father- 
Today I pray for the safety of my future husband.  Father I pray that as he works you would guard  his hands and his body.  I pray that as he drives you would shield him from hazards and other vehicles.  Father I pray that you would place a hedge of protection around him wherever he goes.  Father I pray that you would give him a discerning spirit that would keep him out of unsafe situations,  Father I pray that you would lead and that he would follow.  Father I pray that you would shield his body and his life from any earthly attack , and that you would protect him from satans schemes.  Father I rebuke any curse or lifeless word that has been spoken over his life.  I pray that you would protect his mind from tempation, and that you would guard his steps from making descisions that would put him in unsafe situations.  Father I pray that you would guide him to stay on the path you have laid out for him and that he would remain safe in your love for him.

In Jesus Name -

Monday, February 6, 2017

Let it Go... Finding Freedom

Let it Go... Finding Freedom

We all have baggage, and anyone who will tell you they don't is a liar.  The question then becomes, not do we have baggage,  but how many suitcases are we lugging on our journey.  Some of us have a tidy, small, overnight bag containing a few immaculately folded, no so fond memories, from our childhood, while others of us have 3 carry ons, and 7 large suitcases to check, all full to the brim, overflowing, with zippers that can not be closed.  These suitcases are filled with every kind of emotion from hurt feelings, to rejection, to downright bitterness, and everything in between.  

When we started our journey, I believe we all started with the small overnight bag, and when we learn to handle our feelings that is all we really need.  The point of that bag is to carry the essentials for the time we need them, to deal with the feelings of one event at a time.  The problem comes though when we begin to not deal with what is in our suitcases, either from not knowing how or just refusing to unpack at the end of our trip.

Let's take a trip with Jane... Jane heads out with her immaculately packed overnight bag.  She goes to visit a friend who forgot that she was coming to visit and wasn't at home.  Jane is distraught.  Didn't she know that I was coming?  Didn't she write it on her calendar?  Am I not that important to her?  Jane takes all of her feelings of disappointment, anger, insecurity and hurt, and in haste to get back home shoves them in her overnight bag. When she gets home out of frustration , Jane tosses her overnight bag in the closet and plops down on the couch to feel sorry for herself... because now her fun weekend is ruined and she will have to sit here alone.

A few weeks later Jane heads for a visit to see her parents. She pulls out her overnight bag out of the closet, and takes off never having dealt with the contents from her first trip. She never can please her mother.  Everything she does is wrong.  Her hair is too long, her clothes are too tight, she is in a dead end job.  2 nights later Jane packs up her feelings of worthlessness, discouragement, and not belonging and heads home.  This time, when she gets home,  her overnight bag is a little bit heavier as she throws it  in the closet and again plops down on the couch but this time with a glass of wine to unwind, while continuing to replay the events of the weekend and sulking about why she's always such a disappointment to her family.

During the Summer, Jane meets a handsome guy and they take off on a beach trip, a few beers too many and Jane is sitting on the curb of a street with a red hand print wrapped around her arm and a black eye, that was "just an accident."   Jane picks up her feelings and starts to put them in her overnight bag but she cant shove any more in.  She finds a luggage store and buys a small rolling suitcase, and comes back to the curb for her overnight bag .  She throws her overnight bag inside, tosses in her feelings of being a piece of property, of victimization, and of distrust in on top, and begins to walk away rolling her suitcase behind her, as her boyfriend is put into handcuffs and driven away in the back of a police car.

This goes on for years as Jane continues to toss her feelings in on top of one another buying new suitcase after new suitcase every time she deals with emotions.   Several years later Jane gets married to a nice guy.  She opens up her suitcase to put his love in as they are leaving for their honeymoon.  Her husband is boarding the plane and Jane is still at the counter making sure that her luggage is marked Fragile.  She tries to walk away to join her husband for the red eye flight, but she just doesn't feel safe leaving all of her luggage with the flight crew.  She goes back to the counter purchases two extra seats and drags every bit of that luggage onto the plane with her.   Her husband standing in awe, wondering why his love is not enough.

Getting off the plane Jane and her husband get into a heated argument about the luggage and the fact that she needs to get rid of it.  Jane everything you need you could fit into one small bag.  Her husband realized that his love for her had been squashed, buried, and tainted by everything else in the suitcases.  He storms off in anger and hurt.  With tears in her eyes Jane begins to realize all that her baggage was costing her.

Jane drags her 5 bags down onto the beach through the sand.  She has to pull and tug as the wheels on the suitcases kept getting bogged down.  The sun was beginning to rise and she was missing its beauty because she kept looking back trying to pull her suitcases through the sand.   An older lady was walking on the beach that morning.

"Honey Child, what in God's good name are you doing with all those suitcases out here in the sand?"

"Well Ma'am, I'm here on my honeymoon and my husband is angry with me and I  just didn't know what else to do or where else to go."

" Honey, what is so valuable in those suitcases that you have to drag them through the sand, that's a lot of baggage child, shouldn't you be able to carry the love of your husband in one bag?"

"But Ma'am, I never unpacked these bags before, they have been with me everywhere I have gone.  I have been through some really terrible stuff in my life and I have to keep these bags with me, and my husband left me stranded in the airport and he didn't even offer to carry my bags, he just doesn't love me, I am worthless, and incapable, and fat, and I don't trust him."

" Now Child, pull out the love for your husband and tell me what it looks like."

Jane set all of her suitcases down and opened up the biggest one. Digging down deep she pulled out her husbands love.  It was chipped and stained and wrinkled from being shoved into the suitcase.  It was hardly recognizable. 

Speaking wisely, the old woman said.  "Honey look at that heart, that is something to be cherished and you tossed it in the bottom of that baggage, just like you were throwing it out in the trash.  You made a choice not to unpack these bags and deal with your feelings and it has compounded time and time again until everything is tainted.  Tell me the truth, aren't all of your relationships and events in your life tainted by the feelings in your past? 

At that moment Jane realized how from that very first trip, she had never unpacked her bags or dealt with her feelings.  She had allowed one feeling to compound the next.  Jane lifted her head to God and asked him to forgive her for carrying around all her hurt, and for being a victim for so long.  As the older woman held her hands and prayed silently for her, tears streamed down  Jane's cheeks as she asked God to help her forgive the people in her life who had hurt her and failed her.  She asked him to release her from carrying all this baggage around with her.  As Jane prayed she collapsed to her knees beside her luggage in the sand, and clung to the love of her husband. As she prayed for the Lord to show her how to love her husband in a new light, free from all the baggage she had been carrying, The tide swept in and flooded over her, She felt the power and the pull and the cold water rush around her.  As the tide pulled out she looked down at her husbands love that she had clung tight in her arms, it had been cleansed by the tide.  She looked up and realized that the bags that she had spent so much energy dragging through the sand were being effortlessly pulled out to sea.

" Don't you feel better child, now that you have released them.  God couldn't take them away while you were still clinging on for dear life.  But once you took your focus off of your bags and put it on Him, He washed it all away and left you free."

Jane looked up and watched her bags floating away in the tide.  She had an opportunity to swim out and retrieve them or watch them float away, but she was captivated by the beauty of the sunrise.   After  she had stood in awe of the sunrise, she looked around again and realized she was there alone, the older woman had walked away, and the luggage was no where to be seen.  She felt peace and freedom she had never felt before.

Baggage can cost us so much in our lives.  We really need to learn to release what we can not fix, forgive those who have done us wrong, and not be caught up in bitterness.  When we can let go of these things in our lives, and allow the Lord to heal our issues without being compounded by pitty-parties, and insecurities, then we will find true freedom in Him.

40 days of prayer for your Future Husband ... Day 8 (Strength in the Face of Adversity)

40 days of prayer for your Future Husband ... Day 8 

Strength in the face of adversity 

Every day for the rest of his life, the man of your dreams will face adversity.  The key point here is not to pray that adversity will not enter his life, but that he handles it through the strength and power of the Holy Spirit and not through his own strength and power.  If he will give the Lord these trying times the Lord will grow and mature him through them.

Heavenly Father- 
Today I ask that you give my future husband strength in the face of adversity.  I pray that you would nail down his convictions so that he can stand strong for you .  I pray that he would be rooted in the word and would be able to rise up in defense of his faith, you, himself, his convictions, and his family.  I pray that he would not stumble, falter, or cower in the face of trials and tribulations,.  Father i pray that you would strengthen his heart, that you would grow him daily in scripture that it would come quickly to his mind in times of temptation,  Father give him the strength to stand for what is rightand stand firm against the enemies.  I ask that you would refine him like gold through trials, but that you would protect him as you did Job that not a hair on his head would be toutched, and when the season of testing is over or in a respite, Father I pray that you would give him rest in your arms and in your perfect peace.   Love on him today.   Help him to feel your presence  Help him in his struggles and all he faces.  Give him extral love today in his walk with you, and let him feel you .  Lord today let him soar on wings like eagles. 

In Jesus name I pray- 

Sunday, February 5, 2017

40 days of Prayer for your Future Husband.... Day 7 ( Wisdom)

40 days of Prayer for your Future Husband.... Day 7

God granted Solomon wisdom because he asked.  And because Solomon asked for wisdom God blessed him in ways he could never imagine.  One of the greatest atributes a man can have is to be biblically wise, but its not something that God gives freely.  It must be asked for.  Asking for wisdom is an act of humility.  It is admitting to God that you don't have the answers but you want His answers.  Praying for  God to grant your future husband with wisdom will impact so many other areas of his life as well.

Heavenly Father- today I pray that you bless my future husband with wisdom like Solomon. Father I pray, that you would gvie him the insight to know that wisdom is the greatest gift he could ask you for.  Father I pray that you would grant him a spirit of discernment that you would open his eyes to the Devil's plots and schemes and help him to see the reality of sin, and to see things through your eyes, and the way you would have him to see them.  Give him a heart of compassion and help him to love others in the way that you love them.  Let him be bold to speak in wisdom and blod to stand up for others.  Train him to be slow to speak, quick to listen, and slow to become angry.  I pray Lord that he would see the importance of coming to you with every decision, and that you would guide him as he prays for the future of our relationship and family.  I pray he would make decisions prayerfully each day and through your the biblical guidance of the full council of your word.  I pray that you would give him the wisdom to seek Godly council, and would place wise Godly people in his life for accountability, for  encouragement, and for guidance.

In Jesus Name, 


40 day of prayer for your Future Husband ... Day 6 ( Future success)

 40 day of prayer for your Future Husband ... Day 6

His Future Successes

We need to remember to pray for the successes of our future husband and the life that we will one day be apart of.  As a wife it is your role to be his greatest cheerleader.  What better way to fill that role than to start now by praying over these successes that are to come, and asking God to bless his every endeavor. 

Heavenly Father, 
 I ask today that you would give my future husband today success in every area of his life.   Not just monitary success, but influence for your work, that he would gain knowledge and wisdom, that he would be able to discern your path for him.  Bless the work of his hands.  Help him to give back the portion that he is called to give  to you cheerfully, as it all belongs to you, and bless him with to sustain us as a family one day.  Father bless his job, his future, and his ministry, allow him to give freely of his time, talents, and treasures, and bless him with joy unending as he walks in obedience to your will. I pray that every seed that he sows would be a bountiful harvest, not for his glory and honor but for yours.  I pray that he would be humble, and realize that any success belongs to you.  I pray finacial blessings on him and that you would lead him in every step.  I pray that you would teach him to be generous and to give exceedingly more than he feels he can.  I pray that he learns to rely on you for evrything and in turn you would bless him abundnantly. 
                                                                           In Jesus Name - 

Friday, February 3, 2017

40 Days of Prayer For Your Future Husband... Day 5 ( That he would walk in your ways )

40 Days of Prayer For Your Future Husband... Day 5 

To Walk in Your Ways 

It is so important that if a man is going to lead as a husband and one day a father that he is walking in the ways of the Lord.  It is important that he live obediently to God and strive to serve him in all that he does. 

Dear Heavenly Father- 

I pray for my future husband that you would strengthen him and teach him to walk in your ways.  I pray that he would love your word and that he would meditate on your precepts day and night. I pray that you would teach him to study and to teach others your word and give him a heart for ministry and for the need for the gospel in others lives.  Father I pray that he sees the importance of time on his knees for the needs in his own life as well as that in the lives of others.  I pray that you would fill him with joy overflowing and that the goodness of your mercies would fall heavily on him as he is obedient to your word and to your commands as well as to those things that you lay on his heart. 

I pray that through your word he would learn to walk in your guidence and learn to lead me and our children spiritually as he follows after the example that Christ set. I pray that you would give him discernment and wisdom of how to know what your ways are and that he would seek you first always and his decisions would be based on you and the commands that you have laid before him. I pray that he would carve out time early in the morning just as Christ did to get away and seek you daily.  Father I thank you for creating a godly man to love me one day.  I pray that you would protect, guide, and grow him as he walks obediently until your perfect time. 

 In Jesus Name

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

40 Days of Prayer For Your Future Husband .... Day 4 ( His Prayer Life)

40 Days of Prayer For Your Future Husband .... Day 4 

His Prayer Life
 Prayer does a multitude of things.  It refocuses our hearts.  It turns our attention from ourselves back to God. It humbles us. It gives us time to cool off. It allows us a safe place to express what we are feeling to someone who has understands us better than any one else because he created us.  Prayer is a place to seek wisdom and guidance.  Its a place to ask for things to be given to us that are out of our reach, but also to trust God for the things we know we can do out of our own power but realize we glorify him when we do things in his strength.  Prayer is the way we right our relationship with God and humble ourselves before him.  Praying for the man you will one day marry to have a strong prayer life will influence your relationship more than so many other things combined. 

 Dear Heavenly Father- 
 I come before you and I know how important prayer is.  Father I know that prayer is our opportunity to praise you for who you are, to confess and repent of sin in our life so we can come back into full fellowship with you, our oppertunity to thank you for the blessings you give us and to be able to ask for the things we need and desire in our lives.   Prayer is an opportunity to trust you with our hearts and build a relationship with you based on our need for you in our lives.

Father I pray that my future husband would see the drastic need for a strong prayer life.  I pray that he would trust you with not only the big things but the small things too.  I pray that he would stay close to you and talk to you daily.  I pray that he would learn to pray without ceasing.  I ask that you would teach him to pray boldly and confidently for the things in his life.  Lord I pray that you would teach him to be humble in confessing sin and paitent in waiting for your answers in your perfect timing. 

Lord I pray that you would teach him to seek you in all things.  I pray that prayer would not be just a life perserver for him when things get difficult but that he would praise you in the morning when he wakes up and thank you for another day to be able to serve you., and that he would thank you for the oppertunities you laid before him to be able to minister to others before he falls asleep.

Lord show him the connection between the amount of time he spends praying and the way you work in his life. Help him to be broken over the lives of others and to pray diligently for the needs of those around him.  Teach him to pray in your will and  to pray for wisdom daily. 

Lord I pray all this in Jesus Name


40 Days of Prayer For Your Future Husband.... Day 3 ( His Walk with the Lord)

40 Days of Prayer For Your Future Husband.... Day 3

His Walk with the Lord

Each person is responsible for their own walk with the Lord.  We can not depend on someone else to help us grow, but biblicaly , men are created to be the leaders so their relationship with the Lord needs to be that much stronger.  Someone can't lead another person if they are not first being lead by the Lord. A man's walk with the Lord should come first before anything else and as their future wives we can pray that the Lord is leading and growing them along their journey to knowing him and trusting him more fully.

Dear Heavenly Father -

Lord, I pray that everyday you would be drawing my future husband closer to your side.  Father I pray that you would help him to see that you are Light.  Father, help him to realize that you are the lamp to his feet and the light to his path.  Help him to see that in the light sin can not be hidden.  Help him to maintain a close relationship with you by confessing sin and staying on the path you have lit up for him.  Father help him to walk close to you and not to wander off the path in persuit of selfish ambitions.  Lord I pray that you would allow him to see his great need for you and the gospel even after he is saved.  Father I pray that his desires would be ever increasing to please and grow with you. 

Father I pray that you would grow him in truth.  Lord, show him the truth of your word and how a close relationship with you will allow him to hear your voice and discern your truth more clearly.  Open doors for him to relationships that will push him even closer to your side.   Lord allow his first thoughts to be of your grace and your mercy each day where he would want to cultivate that relationship with you. 

Father teach him daily that you are love.  Show him your mercy and your forgiveness when he fails. Teach him that communication and prayer will strengthen your bond.  Show him that you will never leave him nor forsake him.  Help him to have the kind of relationship with you that he never feels alone.   Lord stretch out your hand to him when he is in need and wrap your arms around him when he is brokenhearted.   Be near to him when he calls out to you, and guide his steps. 

Father allow him to understand that humility will keep him close to you. Help him to keep his focus on you and his desires inline with your will.

Lord I pray all these things in precious and holy name of Jesus