Friday, November 17, 2017

The Ugly Truth about Impaitence

By far the BIGGEST lesson I have ever had to learn is what it means to wait on God.  And let me just be fully transparent and tell you right now I am still learning but this is the MOST painful and trying lesson God has ever taught me. By nature I am not a patient person, but not waiting on God has proved to be something that has caused me more trials, and pain than I could have ever imagined. People will tell you that one simple decision can not change your life, but I am here to tell you it can.  One decision not based on the Lord's will has the ability to wreck your life in ways that you could never believe.

There are usually underlying reasons why we make decisions not to wait on God, but the biggest two are usually pride and fear.  For me it was a combination of those two and just pure ugly impatience. I wondered if I truly deserved for God to give me what I desired and I was tired of waiting and chose to take things into my own hands. I know many of you still may not believe me that one decision can ruin your life, especially you younger girls, who believe you have your entire life ahead of you and plenty of time to "get things right with God," but I am here to tell you that one choice, one momentary decision to walk ahead of God and plan things on your own can multiply into something you cant get out of.

Okay, I'll be honest, by itself one decision may not completely ruin your life, but the issue is that many times when we make those decisions they start a downward spiral that is very difficult to stop.  That was what happened with me.  I made a decision not to wait on the Lord, to take my eyes off of him, and to walk a path that I thought was best for me, and it had drastic consequences that could have never begun to imagine and that I was not ready for.
I was a good kid, was liked by most everyone in High School, was Ms. Most School Sprit and had received multiple scholarships for college.  The first two years of college weren't much different, I pledged a sorority, was active in a Christian organization, and had a job as an RA on campus, I loved life and seemed to have it all together.   But there was one thing I thought that was missing. You see, I had gone through all of high school and my first two years of college without a single date ( well excluding a blind date for prom, but that was a disaster in itself and a story for another time). Looking back now, I know exactly why I didn't have any dates, I knew what I wanted and wasn't about to settle for less, but at the time it just seemed like there was something wrong with me and that I was not wanted.  What I realize now was that the Lord was protecting me and growing me by keeping what wasn't his best on the sidelines.

My sophomore year in college I became very involved with a Campus Ministry at Western and began being discipled. I had spent some time with this group of people the year before and realized that their relationships with the Lord were personal and growing and it was something I desperately wanted, but to be honest even without having had dates in high school I was still BOY CRAZY. I had my fair share of crushes and secretly hoped one of them would one day ask me out, but I chose to wait.  When I started hanging around this campus ministry I began to see men who were sold out to Christ, and it was the most unbelievably attractive thing I have ever seen in my life. These men were sharing the gospel, and leading bible studies, and to hear them pray....! I was hooked.  There was this one guy though, who was everything I thought I wanted, and one night as he taught me to foxtrot at a Sorority formal, I thought this is it ... He's the one, and I went home that night and began praying, for who I thought was my "future husband." For the next year I crushed hard on this guy and kept telling myself... God is working ... one day ...  oh but how silly was I because, by the end of that year he had a conversation with one of my very dear friends about pursuing her and defining their relationship, and I was devastated.   I should have learned my lesson and turned it over to God, but no ... I did the same thing with my date to my Fall formal my junior year who also was apart of the ministry... and after months of wanting him to pursue me to no avail I was completely crushed.

I wondered what was wrong with me and why God was not giving me a godly man in my life. I was wishing and hoping for the right things wasn't I?  I wasn't dating guys who weren't Christians, I was "waiting" or so I thought.... where was God and why was he not answering my prayers.  So a few weeks after realizing I was not even on the radar of the guy who took me to my fall formal, a co-worker and friend, asked me if I wanted to meet a friend of his, well a fraternity brother, to be more specific.  Something inside of me said no, but my insecurities were at an all time high and I just wanted a distraction for a few hours, nothing wrong with that right?  Oh how wrong I was... I should have listened to that still small voice.  I kept ignoring it all the way to the Greek Village as it kept getting "louder," and by the time I got in the house I was all but about to throw up. You see I knew it was not God's best for me, but I was lonely and just wanted for someone to see me the way I wanted to be seen.  What's funny, after I sat down on the couch and we started the movie that still voice started to back off.  I selfishly thought God was saying it was okay... nope... he was letting me make my own decision, even though it was one of the worst decisions I could make.  That's the thing about God, if we are sensitive to his will, he will direct us through his word and through the power of the Holy Spirit, but when we make choices against his will, he will allow us to make our own descisions and if we continue away from his will we wont hear the Holy Spirit convicting us as much because our fellowhsip with him is broken due to sin in our life.

People would say, okay so you decided to go watch a movie and meet a new friend, what is so wrong with that? And let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with what I did.  What was wrong was not being sensitive to the Holy Spirit who was directing me away from a dangerous situation. That movie night was a fork in my life's path.  It started a trend of making bad decisions and ignoring the voice of the Holy Spirit.   That night I chose a "blind-date" over my discipleship group.  The next week I chose my boyfrined over my best friends. A few weeks later I was manipulated into giving my first kiss away.  A month later I was forced to give up my virginity.  A few weeks after that I traded a "relationship" for lying to and avoiding my friends. Then I traded laughter for tears, 3 months in I traded "affection" for emotional abuse.  6 months in I traded my free time for road trips because he had dropped out of school. 9 months in I traded my education, my home, and my family for "promises of marriage" when I in turn was talked into leaving school and failed all my classes because I didn't take my finals.( I truly believed that because of what he had done that I had to marry him because as a Christian girl I could never have that kind of relationship with anyone other than my husband.)  A year in I traded a break up for a broken heart. ( Thankful that my parent's loved me unconditionally and came to rescue me from a relationship where I was being seen as a challenge, a conquest, was being manipulated, abused, and controlled... and couldn't find the courage within myself to walk away.)

Waiting on God is always best.  He will always answer for our best, in his time.  Never forget he loves you and has plans for you if you are his child.  Waiting is hard, but don't ever forget the fact that getting ahead of God can cause painful consequences, missed blessings, and pain.  The Lord wants to bless us.  He wants us to trust him.  He may have things to teach us before he blesses us He may have a job for us to do that would be easier done while you are single or he may be working in the lives of other people and working out other circumstances for your good, but may on the surface have nothing to do with you.

Trust Him! Wait on Him!  It will be worth it because it will be his best no matter what it is.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Identity in Christ ... that's where my validation should come from.

I would be willing to say that nearly every woman in this world, has gone through times in her life where all she wanted was someone to validate who she is.  Its a desire that I think is buried deep in all of us, some of us just hide it better than others.  We want someone to tell us we are beautiful, that we are doing a good job, that they are proud of us, that we make their lives better, and that we are wanted. The problem with that however, is that the people in our lives that we most desperately want validation from are just that, they are people, and just like us they are flawed.   Most women, if they are honest with themselves, will admit that who they desperately want validation from, are the men in their lives.  I truly believe that this is a desire within us that has moved from its perfect intention, of us desiring and finding our validation in God.  Marriage is a picture of Christ and his bride the church, so the desire we have for our husband, or a man who we date,  is an imperfect representation of the desires that we have for the Lord.

Last week I went through my first break up since my divorce.   It was hard enough to move past a marriage to a husband who had been unfaithful with no desire to fix things, but taking a risk and dating again was hard.  Opening myself back up and allowing someone to attempt to fill those desires was difficult because I feared getting hurt.  I desperately wanted a man to validate who I was and what he thought of me, and as great as this guy was, he couldn't do that for some reason.We realized we were looking for different things and I know what I want in a relationship and at this point in my life, I just don't want to casually date.  I want the man that God has for me and to pursue marriage and a family.. because ladies I'll admit it ... I'm not getting any younger :)  So long story short, once I walked away and realized that I was needing to focus on who I was in the Lord and trust him for what I know my heart desires and nothing less, my eyes were opened to so much more and so many things that I needed him to heal with in me.  And seeking validation in any other place than Him was one of the biggest things.   I realized that because the guy I had been dating had never once in nearly 6 months of dating ever told me I was beautiful, that I was truly beginning to doubt it myself.  I stepped back and thought ... now wait ... he never said it, but that doesn't mean he didn't think it, and it doesn't mean its not true. And even if he didn't think it ... why do I allow his opinion to dominate what I think about myself?  Far too often we allow people's opinions to shape our opinion of ourselves, instead of relying on truth.  The truth of the situation is that I should receive my validation from the Lord and what he thinks of me, and let that shape my opinion of myself and nothing else.  I should be so confident in the Lord that my heart is completely content if I never hear one word of validation or praise from a man in my life.

I truly believe the things we desire to feel validated in by a man are things that the Lord already thinks of us and things  he wants us to know about himself.   He wants us to emulate the relationship we have with him in dating and eventually marriage.   I think its okay for us to want those things from our boyfriends and husbands but If we should be looking to the Lord for our validation, we need to know what he thinks of us first and foremost.  So I am learning to find my validation in the Lord.  And you know what I found, everything I wanted a man to think of me, or to do in my life, the Lord already thinks and does.  So I know that when I can find my confidence in the Lord and his opinion of me, that a relationship with a man will be so much easier because I wont be expecting him to fill holes in me that only a God shaped puzzle piece can fill.

In studying, this is what I have found.  I share these things for those out there who may be in the same place, desiring  validation from your husband or boyfriend and you just aren't getting what you need.  Trust the Lord to fill those desires, because he is perfect and he can fill us in a way a human never can, and once he has, the overflow of that will allow you to enjoy the love and affection you receive from your husband or boyfriend so much more freely.

I am a child of God 

                             But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God,  to those who believe in His name:
John 1:12
 I am complete in Christ
                              ...and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.
                                                                      Colossians 2:10 
I am accepted
                                 Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring                praise to God.
Romans 15:7
 I am created in the image of God
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; 
male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:27
I am known by God
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:5
I am chosen
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
 His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him 
who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;
1 Peter 2:9
I am His 

But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob,
And He who formed you, O Israel:
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name;
You are Mine.
Isaiah 43:1
He Delights in me
The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great 
delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”
Zephaniah 3:17
He Loves Me
 For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
I am on his mind and He has plans for me
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts 
of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11
I am the apple of his Eye
 Keep me as the apple of Your eye;
Hide me under the shadow of Your wings,
Psalm 17:8
I am his Friend
“No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what
 his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all 
things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.
John 15:15
He will Never me

Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such 
things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5
He will Never stop Loving me

nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate 
us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:39
He will protect me and not let anyone take me away
“And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; 
neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.
John 10:28

Now that right there is good stuff... And promises we can take to the bank.  I am trying to learn to rely on these verses and commit the ones I don't know to memory so that when I feel alone, or feel the need for validation, I know that I already have it from the only one who can give it perfectly.  I challenge you sweet friend, to find your validation in the word, from the Lord,  because it is the only validation that will give you the perfect peace you are chasing after.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

One Direction

Nope sorry to disappoint you all ... Not writing about boy bands today at least  :) .. I'm sorry to burst your bubble if you thought you were going to get my opinion on crazy girls who scream and fawn over boys in converses and skinny jeans... WELL eventually you might get my opinion on crazy girls who loose their minds over cute boys, but we will leave the boy bands out of things for now.  What I mean by One direction is the conviction I have had on my heart for the past few weeks to be writing much more than I am now, and the desire to really pursue one singular purpose in my blogging. For the past couple of years women have been on my heart and mind and there is so much that is unsaid about relationships and what biblical womanhood looks like.  I am by far not an expert on these things, if anything I am an expert on how to do it all wrong, but it has been a journey and I feel like I am supposed to share what the Lord is teaching me about these things to encourage the hearts of women around me.

I have learned that God is Unchanging and unmistakably good, and that we live in a world where he is consistently put on the back burner.  He should be the center of everything in our lives, and when we take him out of the center that is where we begin to loose footing and our lives and relationships begin to fall apart. Putting God in the center of everything ... especially our relationships with others is not easy.  Our hearts are sinful by nature and they desire to be selfish.  We want our feelings to be validated and our hearts to plant a footing in a relationship where we feel "safe" but sometimes God calls us to be uncomfortable, and in a place where he can grow us and teach us and so that he can put himself back in the absolute center of our lives.

When we are focused on the Lord our directions change, our desires change, and our standards change.  He becomes the standard for things we allow in our lives, and the actions that we take.  So knowing that and in learning that the hard way, A LOT, I have such a desire to be open and transparent and share where my short comings and the times where I have done nothing short of falling on my face.  My hope and my prayer is that this will encourage the hearts of other women to take a look at their relationships and their hearts and reevaluate God's place there.   I also hope that for those who are striving to put God in his rightful place in their lives that these blogs will encourage them to stay the course and finish the race with joy and gladness because honoring the Lord will never fail us.

Its easy to say we want to honor the Lord, but practically doing it is sometimes more difficult.  I hope that in writing about hard things, like Divorce, dating, marriage, and being honest about my struggles in these places that it will help other women join me on this difficult but worthwhile journey of becoming more Christlike and learning to honor the Lord with Every aspect of our lives.

So as I commit to this new path I pray that the Lord would speak through me.  That these would not be my words because I am completely faulty and I only know what I have learned through his grace  and mercy as I have walked through the trials of my own life.   I pray that the hearts of women would be touched by his grace, and that they would find new commitment to him and to putting him in the center of ALL things in their lives.  And I pray that a community of women would be formed to encourage and support each other as we walk daily through the challenges of life.